Complete Course List

Hopewell Area SD: Master Facility Planning Process Update
The Hopewell Area SD is notifying the school district community and public that the district-wide 2024 Facility Master Planning Process will continue during the month of October at each of the public School Board meetings scheduled for October 8 and October 22. Both meetings will take place in the Hopewell Senior High School Auditorium beginning at 7PM. Please view the superintendent's letter attached below for details. This letter and all information and presentation video recordings outlining the process can be found by selecting the 2024 Facility Master Planning Process menu link on the main web page below. Once selected, scroll to the bottom of that page to find the latest information and the letter attached herein.

October 8 -School Board Meeting, 7PM HS Auditorium where a review of final options presented on June 11 will occur once again to update the public. Recordings of the June 11 and the October 8 video presentations are now available on the website link.

October 22 -School Board Meeting, 7PM HS Auditorium where the School Board is expected to formally vote on a school facility option. Identifying a school option will then allow administrators to create a plan with a longitudinal timeline to accomplish the selected Board option.  

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Complete Course List

Course List

Below you will find a complete list of the online courses currently being offered at Hopewell for grades 7-12*.  This list will continually grow as more courses are developed.  If you have any questions concerning course offerings, please contact Mr. Nelson.  

*Courses for grades 7 and 8 are limited to those with the MS prefix.
  Code   Course Name

MSLA700CY   7th Grade Traditional English

MSLA710CY   7th Grade Academic English

MSLA800CY   8th Grade Traditional English

MSLA810CY   8th Grade Academic English
  EN100CY   Cyber English 9
  EN110CY   Cyber English 9 Academic
  EN200CY   Cyber English 10
  EN210CY   Cyber English 10 Academic

EN400CY   Vocational English 12
  EN500CY   Cyber American Literature 11
  EN510CY   Cyber British Literature 12

EN900CY   Speech
  Social Studies
  Code   Course Name

MSHI700CY   7th Grade World History

MSHI800CY   8th Grade Civics & Economics
  HI110CY   Cyber US History I Academic
  HI200CY   Cyber World History 10
  HI210CY   Cyber World History 10 Academic
  HI300CY   Cyber US History II 
  HI310CY   Cyber US History II Academic
  HI410CY   Cyber Econ/POD 12 Academic

HI510CY   Transportation and Travel

HI520CY   Cyber Sociology Part 1 @

Cyber Sociology Part 2 @
  HI605CY   Cyber Intro to Psychology 1 @
  HI610CY   Cyber Intro to Psychology 2 @ 
  Code   Course Name

Math 7

MSMA730CY   Math 8

MSMA740CY   Algebra I

MSMA820CY   Honors Geometry

MA200CY   Pre-Algebra
  MA210CY   Cyber Algebra Concepts IA
  MA220CY   Cyber Algebra Concepts IB 
  MA230CY   Cyber Algebra I 9
  MA240CY   Cyber Algebra II Concepts 11
  MA250CY   Cyber Algebra II 11-12
  MA300CY   Cyber Geometry Concepts 10
  MA310CY   Cyber Geometry 10
  MA400CY   Cyber Algebra III/Trig 12
  MA500CY   Cyber Intro Statistics
  Code   Course Name

MSSC700CY   7th Grade Integrated Science

MSSC800CY   8th Grade Integrated Science

SC110CY   Cyber Intro to Scientific Methods
  SC120CY   Cyber Physical Science
  SC200CY   Cyber Biology I

SC250CY   Science and Mathematics in the Real World

SC260CY   Forensics
  SC300CY   Cyber Chemistry I
  SC400CY   Cyber Physics

SC510CY   Cyber Intro to Anatomy Part 1 @ 

SC520CY   Cyber Intro to Anatomy Part 2 @ 
  Code  Course Name

MSHE700CY   7th Grade Health/PE

MSHE800CY   8th Grade Health/PE
  PE700CY   Cyber Health @
  PE710CY   Cyber Physical Ed 9-10 @

PE720CY   Cyber Physical Ed 11-12 @
  Code   Course Name

BE100CY   Cyber Personal Keyboarding@

BE110CY   Leadership and Career Dev @
  BE200CY   Cyber Intro to Business A @
  BE210CY   Cyber Intro to Business B @

BE320CY   Cyber Digital Media 11-12 @

  BE400CY   Cyber Business Law I @

BE410CY   Cyber Information Technology 11-12 @
  BE600CY   Cyber Entrepreneurship @
  BE700CY   Cyber Personal Finance @

BE810CY   Cyber Intro to Digital Awareness@

Family and Consumer Sciences
  Code   Course Name

FC510CY   Wellness

FC520CY   Human Growth and Development

Foreign Language

Course Name 

FL100CY   Spanish I

FL110CY   Spanish II

FL120CY   Spanish III
@ 1/2 Credit Semester Course 

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