McConville, Chad

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McConville, Chad

Course Syllabus

The American History course began this year with a modern times.  Classes began with the 1980 election and progressed forward.  Following modern times the course will move through labor movements, Big Business and the United States, wars, economic history, progressivism and conservativism, pop culture, foreign affairs, the Cold War, and more. 
The intention is to follow a theme through the book, and allow ours students to learn the material of a general theme before moving to another theme. 
The Contemporary World History course focuses the students attention on the post-World War II world.  We too began with modern times in America.  Following that, students will examine and present work on the Middle East, the rise of China and India, the Cold War, the transition from colonial rule to the new independence throughout Asia and Africa, the growth of Latin America, and an examination of the European Union. 

The Rules

1.        Be on time. If you’re going to be late, have a note/pass from your previous teacher. You’re supposed to be on time. It’s a big deal.

2.        Do your work. In and out of the classroom, get the work done. School is a workplace. Get the work done.

3.        Come to class prepared. Notebook, folder exclusively for this class, text, and pen or pencil. If you don’t bring your tools, you can’t do the job, which means you’ll also be in violation of the second rule. Always bring what is needed to work that day.

4.        Be respectful. This is a workplace, not a hangout. We have a job to do and it’ll be easier if you’re not treating others like garbage. Treat every human being with respect.


Grades are based upon total points acquired over the course of the grading period versus those possible.  Homework, exams, and projects are utilized throughout the year, and their assessment is reflected in our students grades.

Contact Information

Phone:  724-375-6691 ext 2309


After graduating from Moon Area High School in 1991, I went on to Edinboro University where I earned a Bachelor's degree in education with a concentration in Social Studies.  While there I also earned a minor in history.  I've been working full-time for the Hopewell School District since 2000. 
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