Students are not permitted to keep medication on themselves, in lunch boxes, lockers, or purses. Exceptions are EPI-Pens or Asthma Inhalers with parent permission and Physician documentation.
Daily Medications
Standing Orders: Acetaminophen and/or Ibuprofen
In the Junior High School and High School there are standing orders written by the school doctor for Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen. A student may obtain the above medications from the school nurse if parent/guardian permission is indicated on the health history form.
At the Junior High, any student receiving Acetaminophen via standing order for 3 consecutive days or 10 doses in a school year will automatically have the standing order discontinued.
At the Senior High, any student receiving Acetaminophen and/or Ibuprofen via standing order for 3 consecutive days or 10 doses in a school year will automatically have the standing order discontinued.
Once discontinued, a prescription for Acetaminophen and/or Ibuprofen must be received from the student's family physician to receive the medication.
Sunscreen Forms
- Section 1414.10 states that a school entity shall allow the application of sunscreen during school hours, at a school-sponsored activity, or while under the supervision of school personnel. Forms must be completed and returned to the school nurse.