Student Code of Conduct

Hopewell Area SD: Master Facility Planning Process Update 10-23-2024
The Hopewell Area SD is notifying the school district community and the public that the Hopewell Area SD School Board has selected a school consolidation and facility option at the October 22, 2024 School Board meeting.

The option selected is to:

1.) Build an addition and make alterations to the current Hopewell Senior High School to include Grades 7-8 and create one 7-12 school facility. 

2.) Construct a completely new Grade K-6 school facility. All district K-6 students will attend one new elementary school.

Total estimated cost is $112.6 million.

With the school option now identified, administrators will create a plan with a longitudinal timeline to accomplish the selected School Board option.

All information and presentation video recordings outlining the process can be found by selecting the 2024 Facility Master Planning Process menu link on the main web page below. Once selected, scroll to the bottom of that page to find the most current information.

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Student Code of Conduct


Hopewell Elementary Schools

Code of Conduct

The Hopewell Area School District recognizes the importance of establishing clear and consistent disciplinary consequences for violations of district rules.  Students are expected to demonstrate maturity, responsibility, consideration, as well as treating each other with dignity and respect.

Pursuant to School Board Policy (#218, 9/27/13), the Board finds that student conduct is closely related to learning and an effective educational program requires a safe and orderly school environment.  The Board adopted a Code of Student Conduct to govern student discipline, and students shall not be subject to disciplinary action because of race, gender, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or handicap/disability.

Each student must adhere to Board policies and the Code of Student Conduct governing student discipline, with the ultimate goal of providing students with a positive learning climate. The Board has authority to establish fair, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory rules and regulations regarding the conduct and deportment of all students in the school district during the time they are subject to the supervision and direction of school authorities. The Board has adopted a Code of Student Conduct to govern student behavior. The Code of Student Conduct consists of this policy and the following other policies: 

The elementary student code of conduct is designed with enough flexibility so that teachers can exercise judgment which is within the scope of the Code, their classroom behavior management system, the student’s personal behavioral monitoring system, or any behaviors in relation to off-campus activities.


*Depending on the severity of the incident, a “level one” referral is not always the first used.*



Level One Infractions

The following define the leveled system used in the elementary discipline program:  

  1. Level One Infractions

Defined: Refer to minor misbehavior on the part of the student that impedes or disrupts orderly classroom procedures or school operations. These infractions will be addressed by the appropriate school personnel as well as contacting parents/guardians. Administrative action will typically not occur with these misbehaviors.

Examples But Not Limited To:

  • Disruptive Classroom/School Behavior

  • Unauthorized presence in the building

  • Failure to complete or carry out directions

  • Possession of non-instructional items such as but not limited to: 

Cellphones, Smart Watches, Laser Pointers, Gaming Devices, Cameras, 

Video cameras

  • Failure to return required forms, books, and other school materials

  • Verbal harassment or bullying of others

  • Running or shouting in the halls

  • Dishonesty

  • Inappropriate language

Disciplinary Options:

  • Verbal or written reprimand

  • Parental notification (email or phone call)

  • Confiscation of non-instructional item

  • Special Assignment (Reflective in nature)

  • Loss of recess

Level Two Infractions

  1. Level Two Infractions

Defined: Misbehavior that is frequent or serious enough that it disrupts the learning climate of the school and/or endangers the health or safety of others. These infractions, which usually result from the continuation of Level One incidents, require the intervention of administrative personnel because the prior consequences have failed to modify the behavior. Also included in this level are misbehaviors which do not represent a direct threat to the health and safety of others, but whose educational consequences once again require a corrective action on the part of administrative personnel.

Examples But Not Limited To:

  • Continuation of Level One misconduct

  • Abusive, obscene, or disrespectful language, writings, 

drawings, or gestures

  • Forgery of any kind

  • Bullying/Cyber Bullying

  • Harassment

  • Theft

  • Vandalism

  • Plagiarism/Cheating

  • Hands-off violation

  • Defiance of authority, disrespectful behavior to staff

  • Inappropriate use of technology

  • Throwing food/objects

  • Field Trip/Assembly Misbehavior

  • Bus misconduct

Disciplinary Options:

  • Loss of recess

  • Lunch Detention

  • Failure of assignment

  • Denial of other privileges 

  • Before school/After school detention

Level Three Infractions

Defined: Acts that are frequent or serious in nature that disrupts the learning environment of the school or acts that pose a threat or danger to the health, safety, or welfare of others in the school. These acts will require administrative actions which could result in the immediate removal of the student from the school and possible intervention of law enforcement authorities.

Examples But Not Limited To:

  • Continuation of or extreme Level II misconduct

  • Assault

  • Fighting

  • Verbal or Physical Threats

  • Ethnic or racial slurs

  • Sexual harassment

  • Leaving school without permission

  • Vandalism

  • Indecent exposure

  • Destruction of property

  • Possession of a weapon

  • Possession of drugs or alcohol

  • Other violation of federal, state, or local laws

Disciplinary Options:

  • Out of School Suspension

  • Bus Suspension

  • Restitution

  • Referral to outside agency

  • Referral to police or district magistrate



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