Welcome Back

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Welcome Back


Good morning Little Viking Families!!! We are thrilled to welcome our students back to school!

Here are a couple quick housekeeping items for you:

1. Students can be dropped off at the school beginning at 8:35. The late bell rings at 8:55. Any student coming in after the bell  MUST be signed in by a parent/guardian.
2. Parent pickups will begin at 3:25. Busses will follow!
3. For your safety, and the safety of our students, parents MUST remain in their vehicles during student drop off / pick up.  
4. Please keep in mind that our busses will be running late the first week or so as our drivers get to know their routes and most importantly. We want to ensure students are getting off at the correct stops.
5. Kindergarten students will not be allowed off the bus unless they have someone there to pick them up from the bus stop.
6. IMPORTANT!! Breakfast will be free again for the 24/25 school year and a standard Lunch will be $2.50.  

See Everyone soon!
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