2019 Facility Feasibility Study

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2019 Facility Feasibility Study

DRAW Collective Feasibility Study Update

DRAW Collective is currently working with the Hopewell Area SD to complete a new 2024 master facility plan. The 2019 facility study (below) was completed by VEBH Architects. VEBH no longer exists by that name, and the company now operates under DRAW Collective. The 2019 feasibility study and associated presentations (2018-2020) were separated into sections below for review. 

2019 Hopewell Area's District-Wide Facility Study by VEBH Architects 

2019 VEBH Feasibility Study

Update as of December 17, 2019: 

At the December 16, 2019 Hopewell Area Board of School Directors meeting, VEBH provided an update to the District’s feasibility study.  A link to the presentation can be found on this site.


At this meeting, the architects reviewed the work done over the past 14 months and also shared options that have been proposed to address the needs of the buildings.  Additionally, multiple meeting dates have been shared to provide parents and community members the opportunity to discuss the options and provide feedback to the Board and Administration.


Upcoming Meetings (check back for locations):  January 13, 2020 at 7:00PM - Board Meeting to discuss potential 4th grade transition to Upper Elementary January 14, 2020 - Letter sent to Elementary parents inviting them to future meetings January 21, 2020 at 6:00 PM- Parent meeting to discuss 4th grade transition (Back-up date on January 23) January 27, 2020 at 7:00 PM- Board Meeting - VEBH will present updates to the feasibility study February 5, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Community Meeting with VEBH for public comment and feedback February 10, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Board Meeting - VEBH will present updates to the feasibility study and updates to 4th grade transition February 18, 2020 at 6:00 PM- Community Meeting with VEBH for public comment and feedback


BACKGROUND:  At the September 17, 2018 Voting Session, the Hopewell Area Board of School Directors retained the services of VEBH architects to conduct a Feasibility Study of all District facilities. The intention of the District was to engage in a feasibility study in order to provide an evaluation of the needs of the District’s five buildings.  Further, VEBH would provide recommendations to the Board and Administration on the physical plant needs of the District now and in future years.     The study commenced in November of 2018 with the projected completion of the study expected in summer 2019. The feasibility study has the following four phases:  Phase 1: Establish existing physical building and site conditions and prioritize upgrades Phase 2: Develop associated costs to address building deficiencies or needs Phase 3: Establish educational programming needs at each building Phase 4: Create Options for the Board to consider


On March 26, 2019, VEBH presented Phase 1 to the Hopewell Area Board of School Directors. The District’s Administration and Buildings and Grounds Committee is currently working with VEBH to continue Phase 2 and begin Phase 3 of the feasibility study. Periodically, VEBH will present information to the Hopewell Area Board of School Directors during public meetings at the completion of each phase.   



Update as of May 10, 2019:

At the September 17, 2018 Voting Session, the Hopewell Area Board of School Directors retained the services of VEBH architects to conduct a Feasibility Study of all District facilities. The intention of the District was to engage in a feasibility study in order to provide an evaluation of the needs of the District’s five buildings.  Further, VEBH would provide recommendations to the Board and Administration on the physical plant needs of the District now and in future years. 

The study commenced in November of 2018 with the projected completion of the study expected in summer 2019. The feasibility study has the following four phases:

Phase 1: Establish existing physical building and site conditions and prioritize upgrades

Phase 2: Develop associated costs to address building deficiencies or needs

Phase 3: Establish educational programming needs at each building

Phase 4: Create Options for the Board to consider

On March 26, 2019, VEBH presented Phase 1 to the Hopewell Area Board of School Directors. The District’s Administration and Buildings and Grounds Committee is currently working with VEBH to continue Phase 2 and begin Phase 3 of the feasibility study. Periodically, VEBH will present information to the Hopewell Area Board of School Directors during public meetings at the completion of each phase.

Please check back to this website as updates will be made periodically.
This presentation was given at the April 8th Board meeting.
This presentation was given at the April 8th Board meeting.
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