Flexible Instruction Days

Hopewell Area SD: Master Facility Planning Process Update 10-23-2024
The Hopewell Area SD is notifying the school district community and the public that the Hopewell Area SD School Board has selected a school consolidation and facility option at the October 22, 2024 School Board meeting.

The option selected is to:

1.) Build an addition and make alterations to the current Hopewell Senior High School to include Grades 7-8 and create one 7-12 school facility. 

2.) Construct a completely new Grade K-6 school facility. All district K-6 students will attend one new elementary school.

Total estimated cost is $112.6 million.

With the school option now identified, administrators will create a plan with a longitudinal timeline to accomplish the selected School Board option.

All information and presentation video recordings outlining the process can be found by selecting the 2024 Facility Master Planning Process menu link on the main web page below. Once selected, scroll to the bottom of that page to find the most current information.

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Flexible Instruction Days

Hopewell High School Flexible Instruction Day Guidelines - 2023-2024

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

For the 2023-2024 School Year, the Hopewell Area School District was approved to utilize five Flexible Instructional Days (FIDS) when faced with school closures.  Flexible Instructional Days (FIDS) are an initiative for schools launched by the Pennsylvania Department of Education that will replace traditional snow or emergency days.  FIDS are available to public schools to be used as an alternative approach to deliver instruction if a circumstance arises that prevents instruction due to a school closure.   

At the onset of the school year, your child received coursework in relation to each of their scheduled classes.   As noted within the packet, these materials were TO REMAIN AT HOME until needed for use on a Flexible Instructional Day (FID).   

Each student is expected to complete the FID material for that corresponding instructional day (1st FID day = Packet 1) and return the specific work in each packet to the corresponding teacher upon their return to school after the closure in order to receive attendance credit for that FID day.  

Teachers may have synchronous learning opportunities on a Flexible Instructional Day (FID) and will be accessible for assistance throughout the school day.  The following schedule will be followed for any scheduled synchronous meetings to be held on Microsoft TEAMS.  These meeting times coincide with your child’s class schedule.




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Office Hours



If you have any questions regarding FIDs or the noted schedule, please feel free to call the High School office at 724-375-6691.

With Viking Pride,

Dr. Robert Kartychak

High School Principal            

How can I contact a teacher or staff member during a Flexible Instruction Day? 

All teachers and professional staff members will be available via email during a Flexible Instruction day. This includes special area teachers such as music, art, library, physical education, special education teachers, reading specialists, as well as school counselors, nurses, speech therapists, and principals.

What if my child needs help with a lesson/assignment on a Flexible Instruction Day, will teachers be available to answer questions? 

Yes, all school-based staff members will be available to answer questions on a Virtual Instruction Day via email and/or Teams during the hours below.

High School 
Morning Hours 
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM 
Office Hours 
2:15 PM - 2:55 PM 

What happens if my child fails to complete his/her assignment(s)? 

Any student who fails to complete their Flexible Instruction Day assignment in the time frame directed by the teacher will be marked as absent unexcused for the class and will receive a zero on any graded assignment that was not submitted.

What happens in the event of a power outage or internet connectivity issue on a Virtual Instruction Day? 

In the event a student encounters an issue related to internet access or power outages, parents/guardians are to send an email stating what occurred to either Dr. Kartychak ([email protected]). Parents/Guardians may also phone the school and leave a voicemail message (724-375-6691 ext. 2020). Under these circumstances, one additional day is allotted for coursework completion.

My child has an IEP or 504 Plan, will his/her lesson be modified appropriately? 

The Flexible Instruction Day lesson will be designed for students with special needs utilizing their program modifications, specially designed instruction identified in their individualized education plans or 504 Plan. Upon return from a Flexible Instruction Day, teachers of students with special needs will meet with their students to review work submitted, checking for completion and understanding. Any related services (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech, etc.) scheduled during the remote learning day will be rescheduled according to the frequency requirements of the students’ individualized education plan or 504 Plan.

Will after school activities be canceled on a Flexible Instruction Day? 

Continuation of after school activities will be determined and communicated with families after a review by administration.
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