Mr. Clemens

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Mr. Clemens

Mr Clemen's Page

Hopewell Junior High School History & Geography
About Me:
College: Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Contact Informtion: [email protected]  Phone extension 125
Bio: I began teaching in 1999, and have spent the past 15 years at the junior high. I cover both Geography and History 7.

Class Overview:

World History (7th grade
Civilizations covered include-Sumeria, Egypt, Greece, Rome 
Geography:  Topics covered include the 7 continents, world culutres, and current events with a primary focus on countries and capitals 

Featured Projects:
7th Grade: Greek Day
Classromm Rules/Regulations:
1. Attend class on time
2. Raise hand to speak
3. Have proper claroom materials
4. Respect all teachers and students
5. Follow all outlined discipline located in our Student Hqandbook
1. Verbal notice
2. Lunch detention
3. Parental Contact
4. Documentation/write -up slip sent to administration
Grading Scale: Points
90%-100% A
80%-89%   B
70%-79%   C
60%-69%   D
0%-59%     E

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