Mr. Sundy

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Mr. Sundy

Mr. Sundy's Page


I am a graduate of Geneva College holding a bachelor’s degree in elementary education.  I have been employed with the Hopewell Area School District for many years.  I have previously taught 2nd, 4th, and 6th grades.  Currently I am in my 16th year teaching 5th grade.  I teach one section of Language Arts, one section of mathematics and two sections of Social Studies. I also serve as the Jr. High girls' and JV girls' basketball coach.

Contact Information:

email: [email protected]

phone: 724-375-7765  x4100

Class Rules:

1. Be Responsible

          · Come prepared to class
          ·  Listen to and follow directions
·  Use your planner daily
·  Follow class/school rules and procedures

2. Be respectful 

·  Work quietly
·   Raise your hand for permission to talk
·   Pay attention, listen when others are talking
·   Treat others the way you want to be treated

3.   Be a friend

·   Be helpful
·   Be considerate
·   Be understanding










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